What Can a Car Accident Lawyer Do for Me?

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Were you recently involved in a car accident? If so, you might consider hiring a car accident lawyer. Whether you’re filing a lawsuit, pursuing a settlement, or otherwise, if you’re trying to figure out what to do after a car accident, an experienced and specialized legal counsel can help you.

Wondering what this type of legal representation can do for you? Then read on.

Inform You of Whether or Not You Have a Case

First and foremost, a car accident lawyer can inform you of whether or not you have a case. See, just because you were involved in a car accident doesn’t mean that you have any chance of winning a settlement.

You need to speak with a lawyer first to determine whether there’s any legal standing for filing a lawsuit. Car accident lawyers have a great deal of specialized knowledge in this case type and will be able to determine whether your case is a potential winner or not.

During your initial consultation, you’ll speak at length with your lawyer about the specifics of your case. During this consultation, it’s important that you’re 100% honest. If you’re not, you could end up wasting time and money on a case that has no legitimate shot of winning you a settlement.

Investigate Your Accident

Looking to obtain a settlement as a means of paying for accident-related hospital bills? If so, you’re going to have to prove that someone else was responsible for your injuries. In order to prove this, of course, you’ll need to investigate the accident closely.

You alone likely don’t have the resources needed to investigate your accident sufficiently. A car accident lawyer, on the other hand, has everything needed in order to do so.

Not only do lawyers have connections with the police but they also have the capabilities to track down witnesses and find video evidence. This requires a team of people and is likely not something that you could handle on your own. By hiring a car accident lawyer, you essentially ensure that adequate evidence is found, and therefore give yourself a much better shot at winning a settlement.

Pursue the Right Damages

There are a number of legal damages that can come about due to a car accident. These run the gamut from medical costs to loss of income to pain and suffering to vehicle repair and more. The key when filing a car accident case is to pursue the correct damages in order to maximize your settlement.

But if you have no experience in such cases, you likely won’t know which damages to pursue. On the other hand, your lawyer will.

Your car accident lawyer will assess your case fully to determine which damages you might be eligible for. They’ll then build a case for you as a means of pursuing those damages.

File an Insurance Claim

After a car accident has occurred, it’s wise to file a claim with either your insurance company or the insurance company of the other driver involved in the accident. In ideal cases, the insurance company will cover your injuries and vehicle damages without any resistance. However, this isn’t always the case.

This is where a car accident lawyer can be beneficial. Car accident lawyers know exactly the type of evidence that needs to be collected in order to successfully file a claim with an insurance company. They’ll not only help you to collect that evidence but also present it in a way that puts optimal pressure on the insurance company.

Car accident lawyers are versed in fighting insurance companies, and won’t back down at the first sign of resistance. Instead, they’ll push through until you’ve got what you deserve.

Argue for You in a Court of Law

The vast majority of car accident cases are settled out of court. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that yours will be. It very well could go to court, in which case, you had better make sure that you’ve got someone who can argue for you in an effective and legally proper manner.

That’s where a car accident lawyer comes into the picture. Car accident lawyers serve as the ideal legal representation for car accident-related court cases. They understand the ins and outs of the court process and know the specifics of what appeals to judges.

A car accident lawyer will give you the best chance of winning your case. Can you win a court case without an attorney to represent you? It’s possible, but will likely be a frustrating, chaotic, nerve-wracking, and ultimately unsuccessful experience for you.

Handle the Technical Aspects

When pursuing a settlement as a result of a car accident, there are all sorts of technical documents and guidelines that you must deal with. If you’ve never dealt with them before, you could be totally lost as to what needs to be handled.

A car accident lawyer can help you with this aspect of the process, as they’ve dealt with these documents and guidelines countless times. They’ll ensure that every guideline is followed and that every document is filed in a timely manner, giving you the best possible chance of success.

Looking for a Car Accident Lawyer in Omaha?

Are you interested in pursuing legal action after a car accident? Looking for a car accident lawyer in Omaha? Look no further than Husker Law.

We’ve helped countless clients in car accident cases, helping them win lawsuits and secure settlements. Regardless of the extent of your accident, our seasoned and skilled team of lawyers can help you.

Do you need to hire a car accident lawyer for your situation? We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation by calling us at (402) 415-2525 or by reaching out online today!



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