How to Divorce Your Husband, Even If He Doesn’t Want a Divorce

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When your marriage comes to an end, sometimes your husband still doesn’t want a divorce. Here’s how to divorce your husband, even if he doesn’t want to divorce.

Your husband doesn’t cook. He doesn’t clean up after himself. And you keep finding dirty socks and food wrappers shoved in indiscriminate crevices all over your house.

On top of all of these incredibly annoying habits, you’ve found that you’ve grown apart and it’s starting to feel like there’s no going back. The distance between both of you feels like a gulf that’s expanding more and more with each and every day.

What do you do? Maybe you’ve thought about getting a divorce and are wondering how to divorce your husband.

There’s a catch, though. Your husband has made it very clear that he, despite your feelings, does not want a divorce. If all of this sounds familiar, continue reading.

We’ll show you how to leave your husband so you can move on and continue living your life the way you want to.

What Do I Do If My Husband Doesn’t Want a Divorce?

Figuring out where to start in a complicated situation like this can be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be.

Before you go and contact a divorce attorney to force your husband to cooperate (which isn’t going to set a great tone for the rest of the proceedings throughout the divorce, is it?), take a look at the following tips.

They can help you save time, money, and, most importantly, your sanity during the process.

Talk to a Professional

Divorce is never an easy breezy process to go through. If it were, and it didn’t stir up so many volatile emotions on both sides, many more couples would probably be divorced.

If the subject of divorce has been stirring up emotions for you and your husband, you may want to think about talking to a professional. Working with a therapist can help both of you come to terms with everything that you’re feeling and work through all of those emotions.

A therapist can also work with you to gain the confidence you need to face your husband. Then, it will be much easier to calmly and rationally explain to him how you feel and that you would like to end the marriage as peacefully as possible.

If there’s any lingering doubt or confusion about what either of you wants, seeing a therapist can help you clear that up, too. If you still love your husband, you may want to consider going to marriage counseling before moving forward with the following steps.

If you’re able to get your husband to agree to talk to a professional with you, it may make it easier for him to share his feelings and really listen to yours and hear you out.

But you’ll never know if you don’t give it a try, will you?

Communicate with Your Husband

Maybe you’ve had it up to here with his shenanigans and aren’t sleeping in the same bed anymore, let alone talking to one another when you don’t have to.

However, if you want your husband to come around to the idea of a divorce so that you can move on with your life, you need to be able to communicate with him throughout every step of the process.

As much as you want to move on to the next chapter of your life, you have to take into account how your husband is feeling, too. He may be angry, scared, and sad at the prospect of your relationship ending.

Recognize the pain you may be causing and treat your husband with compassion as he adjusts to the reality of the situation.

Have an open dialogue with him where you can both be honest about your feelings and how you currently view your relationship. Much of the time, just having an open and honest conversation can make it easier for one partner to adjust to the other’s decision.

No matter how you approach it, though, be sure that you’re not treating him in a cold and distant manner…because that will only make him feel more isolated.

Give Your Husband Time to Process the Situation

After you’ve spoken with a therapist and opened a dialogue with your husband – giving him a chance to be open about his feelings and reservations, you’re going to need to step back and give him time to process everything.

You’ve already made the decision and accepted it. He hasn’t.

Give him time to accept the situation for what it is, and your divorce will be much more amicable.

Find out What His Objections to Divorce Are and Counter Them

If you’ve given him time to process the situation and he’s still being a stubborn stick in the mud and refusing to accept the situation or move forward, you need to find out exactly what his objections are.

For example, they make be along the same lines as the following:

  • It’s in the kids’ best interest if we stay together
  • It’s less expensive
  • If we keeping working on things, they could get better

Whatever his objections may be, you’ll need to counter them in a cool, rational manner.

Demonstrate to him that, while his feelings are valid, his objections aren’t great reasons why you should remain in an unhappy marriage.

Contact a Divorce Attorney to Learn How to Divorce Your Husband

At this point, you’ve done everything you possibly could to bring your husband around to the idea of a divorce.

Now, it’s time to take matters into your own hands and contact an attorney to work with you to file the necessary paperwork, gather evidence, and represent you in court.

Work with the attorney to ensure that you are as prepared as possible – and then present your case in a court of law.

After both you and your husband present your cases, the judge will make a determination regarding your case.

Still Looking for an Attorney? Contact Us Today

If you’re still searching for the right divorce attorney to represent you after learning how to divorce your husband, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We’ll work with you to get the results you desire, whatever the cost may be.



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